ACSUS-Enders Graduate Fellowship


Application Deadline: 31 March 2021

Award Period: Summer 2021 or Academic Year 2021-2022

Grant Award: $3,500

Notification: 15 June 2021


To encourage in depth inclusion of Canadian content in comparative research/projects that have policy relevance for Canada-U.S. relations as well as Canadian social, economic, political, security, and quality of life issues. Topics particularly relevant to Canada-U.S. relations include trade and economics, defense and security cooperation, border management, energy, softwood lumber, environment and natural resource management, and agriculture. Other topics include comparative urban planning, health care delivery, multicultural educational policies, environmental law, etc. To enable successful candidates to spend 4-6 weeks at a Canadian university, research site or business other than their own conducting research related to their thesis, dissertation or graduate work in the field of Canadian Studies.


Students in any discipline or professional school who are in the process of preparing a graduate thesis or doctoral dissertation related in substantial part to the study of Canada, Canada-U.S. relations or comparative policies in North America. Students must be US citizens or permanent residents.


The student must be enrolled in a full-time masters or doctoral program at an institution in the United States. The student must have obtained, in writing, the support of a faculty member or research scientist at a Canadian university or the head of an organization or business who agrees to act as the student’s academic sponsor during the tenure of his/her award. The sponsor will act in an informal capacity and will arrange for library privileges, contacts with other faculty, students, researchers or experts in the field and generally try to facilitate the student’s research. The academic sponsor will not be expected to act in the role of supervisor.

That the student apply to present their research at an Association for Canadian Studies in the U.S. meeting, at one of the regional Canadian Studies association meetings, and/or at a disciplinary professional meeting. Funds for registration, travel and per diem for the selected meeting should be included in the budget.


  • CV 
  • one-page proposal outlining the thesis/dissertation project that states why research at  the selected university/site is essential to the project and how such a visit will enhance the quality of the student’s research 
  • schedule of activities 
  • letter of support from the student’s thesis/dissertation chair 
  • letter of support from the departmental chair or dean of the school 
  • letter of invitation from the faculty member or organization head where the student will be
  • conducting research


Successful applicants will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • clarity of the proposal and its methodology
  • proposal’s potential contribution to the enhancement of the Canada-U.S. relationship or to comparative policy making in North America (social, environmental, political)
  • likelihood of the project’s being accomplished during the period of the award
  • demonstrated need for the research to be carried out in Canada
  • strength of the letters of support
  • part academic awards/achievement demonstrated by transcripts, awards and distinctions.

N.B. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Applications should be sent electronically to:

Thomas O. Enders Endowment

The Thomas O. Enders Endowment is designed to encourage advanced scholarship on Canada-U.S. relations by funding fellowships for US scholars conducting research in Canada.

Tom Enders' special interests included political and economic policy, trade, and energy--these are among the topics that the endowment supports as a means of contributing to improved mutual understanding between the United States and Canada. Tom Enders US Ambassador whose life, work, and service, in particular as U.S. Ambassador to Canada and Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs, strengthened the political and economic links as well as the friendship between theUnited States and Canada.

