Jeanne Kissner Award

The Jeanne Kissner Undergraduate Essay in Humanities Award was created in honor of the late Jeanne Kissner, Co-Director of the Center for the Study of Canada at Plattsburgh State University. Professor Kissner was unflagging in her support of Canadian studies education at the undergraduate level and had always hoped that such an award would be established.

The award recognizes an undergraduate essay that presents a scholarly exploration of any Canadian studies theme.

The competition is open to all undergraduates in the United States who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States and enrolled in a course in Canadian studies during the two years preceding the biennial ACSUS Conference.

The author of the winning essay will receive free registration for the next ACSUS biennial conference, complimentary membership in ACSUS for two years, and a certificate of recognition. 

The deadline for the Jeanne Kissner Undergraduate Award in Humanities is September 1, 2021. Send nomination letters to


Instructors are asked to select and submit one essay on any Canadian topic from one student enrolled in each of their Canadian Studies courses. A paper between 5-15 typed pages (double-spaced) in length is preferred.

Please send the nominated essays by email to no later than September 1, 2021. 

Essays will be judged in terms of their originality and effective presentation. The student will be notified promptly of the award and presented with a certificate of citation.


The 2019 winner of the Jeanne Kissner Award was Victor J. Locke, from St. Lawrence University, for their essay “Land of Hope and Dreams: American Draft Dodgers in Canada During the Vietnam War.” 


No award made.


No award made.


The 2013 winner of the Jeanne Kissner Award was Olivia George from Georgetown University. Her essay, " La Traduction transformatrice : La Traduction féministe dans Le livre d’Emma et La Memoria" was written in the context of Professor Miléna Santoro's seminar on "Modern French Canadian Literature: Women's Wor(l)ds in the Quebec Novel."
